Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church
예배공동체 / 가족공동체 / 교육공동체 / 선교공동체

Brian Ryu 목사
English Ministry
Brian Ryu loves to journey with and engage students so that they see a bigger picture of who God is and what He is up to in their lives and the world around them
Brian enjoys spending time with his family, camping and hiking, exploring new restaurants and neighborhoods, reading, and chatting with people about life
2 Corinthians 5:17-21 on the ministry of reconciliation is Brian's favorite Scripture passage, and May the Peace of God by Keith and Kristyn Getty his favorite song
Brian's family consists of Esther, his beautiful wife, and two adorable and quirky kids - Manny and Zoe
Brian's hope is to see youth grow into mature Christian adults who love God, their neighbors, the Church, and world around them